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  • Setup your ExtoCard
    IMPORTANT TO AVOID DAMAGING YOUR EXTOCARD. Use the USB Charging Adaptor provided only with Recommended Charging Blocks. If you are not certain about your USB Charger then use your computer's USB port. Insert your ExtoCard into the ExtoAdaptor as shown in the video below. You will see a small Red LED indicating the Card is charging. Once its fully charged you will see a Green LED. Now you are ready to Power On the ExtoCard. Press the Power On Button firmly for 1 Sec. You should see a Green LED Flash and the E-Ink display will activate. Once the Card is powered follow the prompts on the E-ink display and go through a short tutorial to learn how to use the Navigation Touch Wheel and the Fingerprint Sensor to control your ExtoCard. After completing the tutorial its time to train the card with your fingerprint. The card will ask you to provide 10 samples of one of your fingerprints. Press your finger (thumb recommeded). Make sure you are covering the whole sensor area including the gold bevel around the sensor. The display will count down until you have trained the card with your fingerprint. Next select a 6 digit Pin. This is required as a back up incase you injure your finger. Make sure you write it down. You can still recover your wallet using passphrases without this Pin but still important to write it down. Now you will be prompted to create a new wallet or recover another wallet you have setup. Select Create. The ExtoCard will now randomly generate a private key for your wallet and present you with 12 words that will be your passphase to recover your wallet. It is CRITICAL for you to record these 12 words and keep them in safe place as they are the only means of recovering your wallet if you loose your ExtoCard or Backup ExtoCards.
  • Setup your ExtoWallet App and pair it with ExtoCard
    1. Download the ExtoWallet App from Apple App Store or Google Play 2. Follow the installation prompts. 3. Make sure your smartphone Bluetooth is turned on. 4. Make sure the ExtoCard is turned on and showing the home screen with cryptocurrency icons 5. Your ExtoCard will prompt you if you want to pair it to the phone. 6. Select the checkmark to proceed with pairing. 7. Your ExtoWallet App will prompt you to scan a QR code 8. Tap the card image to open the camera and scan the QR code being displayed on your ExtoCard. 9. You should have securely paired your ExtoCard with ExtoWallet App. 10. Now you can proceed to transfer your crypto assets from other wallets to ExtoWallet using Receive function in each wallet.
  • Sending Cryptocurrencies
    Activate your ExtoCard and ExtoWallet App. On ExtoWallet App, select the wallet that you want to send from. Select Send button to open the sending popup dialog. You can select scan the QR code or paste the wallet address of receipient. Enter amount that you want to send.
  • Receiving Cryptocurrencies- Sharing your ExtoWallet Address
    1- You can select the Crypto wallet you would like to receive assets via the ExtoCard. The card will display your QR code which can be scanned by the sender if you are physically together. 2- You can also share your address via the ExtoWallet App. -Press Receive button in the wallet that you plan to receive asset to from your ExtoWallet App -The ExtoCard will generate a unique wallet address and prompt you if you would like to share this address. - You can choose Email or SMS as a means of sharing this receiving address.
  • Recovery of ExtoCard Wallet
    Recovery ExtoCard wallet using ExtoWallet App. If you lose or damage your card you can recover your ExtoCard Wallet using your ExtoWallet App. This means you don't have hardware wallet protections now and rely on the ExtoWallet App on the phone to secure your private keys. Press the "lost card" link when the ExtoWallet App prompts you to connect to the ExtoCard. Recovery of ExtoCard Wallet using a replacement ExtoCard or a duplicate. Setup a new ExtoCard Select Recover Wallet Enter the 12 keywords for your ExtoCard Wallet you are trying to recover This recovers your ExtoCard.
  • Setting up ExtoWallet App to Cosign with ExtoWallet Cards
    Setting up Multi-siganture wallets between your ExtoCard and your ExtoWallet App. Once you have set up a wallet on the ExtoCard you can proceed to create cosigning walelts on the ExtoWallet App. Setting up your ExtoWallet App to Cosign with your ExtoWallet Card. 1- Open your ExtoWallet App and Select "Menu" in the lower toolbar 2- Select Security Settings option 3- You can select either Bitcoin or Ripple cosigning options for now. Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and ERC20 cosigning will be coming soon. 4- You can either choose another ExtoCard to be the cosigher or the ExtoWallet App to be the Cosigner. If you select ExtoWallet App and the follow the instructions to create a cosigning key on your ExtoWallet App/ Phone. Make sure you record these passphrase words as both these passphrase words and the ExtoCard passphrase words will be required to recover yoru cosigning wallet.
  • Setting up two ExtoCards to Cosign Transactions
  • Setting Up Backup ExtoCard Wallet
    If you have purchased two ExtoCards you can set up one as a Backup Wallet. Simply follow the Recovery Process and use your 12 word passphrase that was used to set up your main ExtoCard Wallet. This is the most secure way to create the Backup wallet as it won't require the system to access your Private Key from the original ExtoCard. Follow the steps for Power Up and Initial Setup for this Back Up ExtoCard as well and then Go through the process of Recovering your Wallet on this ExtoCard. Setup a new ExtoCard Select Recover Wallet Enter the 12 keywords for your ExtoCard Wallet you are trying to recover This recovers your ExtoCard. Now you can pair this new or duplicate card with your ExtoWallet App.
  • Recovering Multi-Signature Wallets
    Recovery Process for ExtoCards and ExtoWallet App has been descibed earlier above. You can however recover even multisig wallets using the ExtoWallet Mobile App if you don't have replacement ExtoWallet Cards.

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