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ExtoWallet was developed as a research and development project to demonstrate high security digital asset custody and not available commercially. 

We utilize the ExtoWallet technology in digital payment, Central Bank Digital Currency and compliant stable coin use cases where applicable. 

Stay informed!


Up to 5-factor authentication that is easy to use!

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On-Card Fingerprint Recognition *

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Smartphone Face

Recognition **

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* May be bypassed with the card pin

** May be bypassed with the phone unlock pin

High security that is easy to use


Unparalleled security with smart card and mobile phone cosigning 


  • Multi-signature Crypto Wallets are known to be the safest way to keep custody of crypto-currencies. But they have been difficult to set up and therefore not used other than by expert users or institutional custodians and exchanges. ExtoWallet aimed to enables easy to use cosigning, with one key on the ExtoCard and a second on your iOS or Android smartphone. This approach can be used for holding any tokenized digital assets. 

  • Both devices are required to cosign all transactions using multi-sig features native to the crypto asset, leading to unparalleled security. (Bitcoin Cash, ETH & ERC20 cosigning coming soon).

  • The ExtoCard utilizes on-card fingerprint recognition or pin and the ExtoWallet App utilizes iOS/Android biometric access or pin for multi-factor authentication. â€‹


Why ExtoWallet?


Secure biometric smart card

The ExtoCard generates and securely stores your private keys and co-signs all of your transactions initiated via the ExtoWallet App. Fingerprint recognition protects access. The display and touch navigation allow secure on card recovery of wallets using 12 keywords.

ExtoWallet App

Secure your crypto assets while keeping them accessible

We have modified BRD's open source iOS and Android multi-currency wallet, to utilize an ExtoCard to authenticate your crypto transactions. Support for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, XRP, ETH, and a large number of ERC20 Tokens. 

Multi Signatures made simple

Easy to use Multi-Signatures for unparalleled security  

You can use your ExtoCard and smartphone as two cosigning devices, or use two ExtoCards for cosigning. Currently, BTC and XRP cosigning is supported. Bitcoin Cash, ETH and ERC20 cosigning coming soon. 

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